During the COVID-19 lockdown, ALL Small Group activities are suspended until further notice.
Small Groups / Bible Study Groups at Waitara
If you would like to join a small group activity shown below, please contact the group leader for more details.
If you would like to study the Bible on a one-to-one basis, we would love to arrange this for you. Please contact the Senior Pastor.
Mon Evening Ladies Group 7:15-9:00 pm
Location: 178 Purchase Road, Cherrybrook
Leader: Pam Manuel
Contact: 0433 755 244
All ladies are welcome!!
Tue Evening Bible Study: 6:45 pm
Come and join at 6:45 pm for dinner then Bible Study at 7:30 pm.
Location: Wahroonga
Leaders: Angie and Remi Leimena
Fasilitator: Bob Morton
Wed Afternoon Soccer Fellowship: On Recess
Location: Waitara Oval
Leader: Waitara Youth
Wed Evening Bible Study / Prayer Meeting: 7:30-8:30 pm
Location: Waitara Church
Topic: Genesis and the Hebrew language
Purpose: Learning what the original Hebrew text teaches and gaining a fuller understanding of the account, as it was written. Developing capacity, to understand and defend our doctrine, as being historically factual and scientifically responsible.
Everyone welcome.
Leader: Pastor Barend Nieuwstraten
Contact: 0414 431 677
Thur Morning Life Discussion Group: 10:00 am
Location: Castle Hill
Leader: Tracey Wijeyesingh
Fri Evening Bible Study: 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Various locations
Leader: Peter & Mildred Zuze